Namespace Hawk
Namespaces summary
Hawk\View |
Classes summary
App | This class is used to generate the application singletons. It is loaded at script start, and initialize the following singletons : conf, errorHandler, logger, fs (FileSystem), session, router, request, response, cache and db |
ButtonInput | This class describes the button inputs in form (button, delete, dans submit) |
Cache | This class is used to manage cache in Hawk. It allows to save cache files in the folder /cache, and detect if a file is cached. This class is very useful to increase the application performances. |
CheckboxInput | This class describes checkboxes |
ColorInput | This class describes color inputs |
Conf | This class is used to get and set the application base configuration |
Controller | This class describes the behavior of a controller. All controllers defined in application plugins must extend this class for the application routes work. |
Crypto | This class contains cryptography functions |
DatabaseSessionHandler | This class implements SessionHandlerInterface to define a session engine base on database |
DatetimeInput | This class describes date and datetime inputs |
DB | This class is a manager for MySQL connection and queries |
DBExample | This class is used to construct SQL WHERE expressions from arrays. This can be useful to build simple conditions without writing SQL query and manage binding values This class is used in classes Model, Form, ItemList to get data from the database. Example : To make the expression 'field1 = "value1" AND (field2 IS NOT NULL OR field3 < 12)', create an DBExample like : new DBExample(array( array('field1' => "value1"), array('$or' => array( array( 'field2' => '$notnull' ), array( 'field3' => array('$lt' => 12) ) )) )) |
DeleteInput | This class describes the "delete" inputs. Delete input are submit inputs used to delete the current edited data in the database |
Dialogbox | This class is used to display a dialogbox |
EmailInput | This class describes email inputs behavior |
ErrorHandler | This class defines the errors and exceptions handlers |
Event | This class describes script events that can be triggers and listened |
FileInput | This class describes the file inputs behavior |
FileSystem | This class has utilities to manage the file system, for missing functions in PHP |
FloatInput | This class describes input that must contain float values |
Form | This class is used to generate, display and treat forms. |
FormFieldset | This class describes the behavior of a form fieldset |
FormInput | This class describes the general behavior of inputs in forms. This class is associated to Form class |
GenericModel | This class is a generic class, inherited from Model, and used in classes like Form or ItemList to use models that have not been specified in custom classes. |
GifImage | This class describes the actions on image specific to GIF images |
HawkApi | This class treats the interface with the Hawk site, to get the informations from the site database via an Restful API |
HawkUpdater | This class contains, for each version, a method that applies the non-code modifications (database changes for example) |
HiddenInput | This class describes hidden inputs behavior |
HtmlInput | This class describes html inputs. These objects are not really inputs, but can be used in forms to display HTML content betweeen other inputs, for instance short description of a set of inputs. |
HTTPRequest | This class is used to send HTTP request and get the result |
Icon | This class is used to display an icon |
Image | This class is used to treat images. This class can resize images, or compress them |
IntegerInput | This class describes the behavior of inputs that value must be an integer |
ItemList | This class is used to generate and display smart lists, getting data from the database or a given array |
ItemListField | This class describes the field displayed in a smart list. All properties of an instance of this class can be scalar, or a function taking as arguments : - $value The value of the cell - $field The field itself - $line All the values in the list results line |
JpegImage | This class describes the actions on image specific to JPEG images |
Lang | This class is used to manage translations |
Language | This class the language model |
LeftSidebarTab | This class is used to display a whole tab with a sidebar on left |
Less | This class use the library lessc to compile less files into CSS, using cache system to build only if necessary |
Logger | This class is used to log data in /logs directory. You can use it to log the action of the users on the application, for example to make stats. |
This class use PHPMailer library to send mails from Hawk applications | |
MenuItem | This class describes the MenuItem model |
Model | This class describes the data models behavior. each model defined in plugin must inherits this class |
NoSidebarTab | This class is used to display a whole tab without sidebar |
NumberInput | This class describes the behavio of number inputs |
ObjectInput | This class describe the behavior of an input representing an object. To be treated, an object must be an array. To be displayed, an object must be a json string |
Option | This class is used to access and set application options |
Panel | This class is used to display a panel |
PasswordInput | This class describes the behavior of password inputs |
Permission | This class describes the permission model |
Plugin | This class describes the behavior of the application plugins |
PluginInstaller | This abstract class defines the methods used to install, activate, deactivate, and uninstall plugins |
PngImage | This class describes the actions on image specific to PNG images |
ProfileQuestion | This model describes the customized profile data types |
ProfileQuestionValue | This model describes the profile data value |
RadioInput | This class describes the input[type='radio'] |
Request | This class define methods to get HTTP request information |
Response | This class defines static methods to prepare and send the HTTP response to the client |
RightSidebarTab | This class is used to display a whole tab with a sidebar on right |
Role | This model describes the roles that can be affected to the users |
RolePermission | This model describes a the value of the permissions for a role |
Route | This class describes the routes behavior |
Router | This class describes the application router. It is used in any plugin to route URIs to controllers methods |
SelectInput | This class describes the behavior of select inputs |
Session | This trait is used to manage the user's sessions. It's declared as trait to be used in custom classes developer could want to develop to extend the session management (manage licences, number of simultaneous connections, ...) |
Singleton | This class describes the general behavior of singleton classes, sucha as Request, Response, ... |
SubmitInput | This class describes the submit inputs behavior |
Tabs | This class is used to display a tabset |
TextareaInput | This class describes the behavior of textareas |
TextInput | This class describes the behavior of text inputs |
Theme | This class describes the themes behavior |
TimeInput | This class describes the behavior for inputs time |
Upload | This class permits to treat AJAX uploads |
User | This model describes the user data |
View | This class describes the behavior of views |
ViewPlugin | This abstract class defines the view plugins. It must be inherited by any class that defines any view plugin. This class is called when, in a view, you write something like that : {pluginName param="value1" param2="{$variable}" } |
Widget | This abstract class describes the bahavior of widgets. Widgets can be a little part of your page you want to use several times. It can be another thing : a further feature that you call on a controller action. |
WysiwygInput | This class describes the wysiwyg fields in forms. Wysiwyg behavior is computed by CKEditor library |
Traits summary
Utils | This trait contains utilities method that cen be used anywhere in the core |
Exceptions summary
AppStopException | Throw this exception to force the script to finish properly |
DBExampleException | This class describes the behavior of the exceptions throwed by DBExample class |
DBException | This class manages the exceptions throwed by DB class |
FileSystemException | This class describes exceptions throwed by FileSystem class |
HawkApiException | This class describes Exceptions throwed by a request to the A.P.I |
ImageException | This class describes the execptions throwed by Image class |
MailException | MailException |
UploadException | This class describes the exceptions throwed by Upload class |
ViewException | This class describes the View exceptions |